The ‘Papers’ collection (ISSN: from num. 34 onwards, printed 1888-3621, internet 2013-7958; from num. 1 to num. 33, printed 2014-3842, internet 2014-3850) has the aim of making the debate revolving around the problems and options of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region, which is at a decisive point of its development, reach a wide range of people and institutions that are interested in the future of this region. The content of ‘Papers’ encompasses a wide range of subjects, from expert’s opinions and summaries of relevant investigations, all the way to texts and collections of data from diverse origin that are considered to be of reference value.
‘Papers’ is published by the Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies, with the support of the Barcelona City Council (Ajuntament de Barcelona), the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona), the Barcelona Provincial Council (Diputació de Barcelona) and the Generalitat of Catalonia (Generalitat de Catalunya). ‘Papers’ is managed by an editorial council composed by:
- Albert Arias Department of Geography, URV
- Sara Berbel Director of Barcelona Activa, Barcelona City Council
- Ismael Blanco Department of Political Science and Public Law, UAB
- Xavier Boneta Municipal management office, Barcelona City Council
- Albert Cuchí Department of Architectural Technology I, UPC
- Màrius Domínguez Department of Sociology and Organizational Analysis, UB
- Lluís Flaquer Department of Sociology, UAB
- Ricard Gomà Department of Political Science and Public Law, UAB. Director of IERMB
- Francesc Magrinyà Director of Department of Strategic Planning, AMB
- Jordi Mas Deputy Mayor of Planning, Housing and Mobility, Council of Santa Coloma de Gramenet
- Xavier Matilla Department of Urban and Regional Planning, UPC
- Juan Carlos Migoya Manager of IERMB
- Sara Moreno Department of Sociology, UAB
- Oriol Nel·lo Department of Geography, UAB
- Anna Ortiz Department of Geography, UAB
- Héctor Santkovsky Director of Department of Social and Economic Development, AMB
- Sebastià Sarasa Department of Sociology, UPF
- Joan Subirats Department of Policical Science and Public Law, UAB
- Enric Tello Department of History and Economic Institutions, UB
- Mariona Tomàs Department of Political Science, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law
- Joan Trullén Department of Applied Economics, UAB

Capítulo de Ricard Gomà en el libro “The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics”
La editorial Oxford University Press acaba de publicar el libro “The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics” editado por Diego Muro y Ignacio Lago en que un capítulo está redactado por el director del IERMB Ricard Gomà, junto con Joan Subirats.
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