The nature of the Metròpoli Institute is marked by the fact of incorporating it into its governing council, universities and public administrations, a fact that clearly guides its mission and objectives.
The Institute is a public consortium located on the Bellaterra campus of the UAB and attached to the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, which develops urban research, training and knowledge transfer activities, mainly in the area and metropolitan region of Barcelona.
It was born in 1984 as an agreement between the Metropolitan Corporation of Barcelona, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Navigation of Barcelona. Over the years, the territorial and institutional base of the Institute has expanded. At present, the Consortium is formed by:
Public Administration
Barcelona Metropolitan Area (Àrea Metropolitana de Barcelona)
Barcelona City Council (Ajuntament de Barcelona)
Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
University of Barcelona (Universitat de Barcelona)
Technical University of Catalonia (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya)
Institutions of economic development
All these institutions are integrated into the Governing Council, which is the body in charge of approving the programme of activities and the budget of theMet ròpoli Institute.
The Barcelona Institute of Regional and Metropolitan Studies (Institut d’Estudis Regionals i Metropolitans de Barcelona) has its social headquarters in the Bellaterra campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona).
Autonomous University of Barcelona(Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Campus of Bellaterra
Plaça del Coneixement, edifici MRA, p. 2
08193 Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vallès)
tel.: 93 586 88 80
Opening hours for the public: 8-15h
Contact form
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