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The management of mobility at work in Barcelona. Diagnosis and roadmap for the Barcelona Labor Mobility Pact.

Any de realizació: 2023

Equip: Direcció Núria Pérez Sans,Equip d’investigació: David Andres Argomedo, Joan Checa Rius i Núria Pérez Sans, Suport estadístic: Paolo Chevalier.

Institució: CCOO

The document is a report on the management of mobility at work in Barcelona, ​​commissioned by the Metrópoli Institute by the Workers’ Commissions of Catalonia and with the financial support of Barcelona City Council. The objective of the document is twofold, on the one hand, to provide a complete diagnosis of mobility flows for work reasons in the city of Barcelona. And, secondly, it aims to establish a roadmap for the Barcelona Labor Mobility Pact, which includes the main strategic lines and actions to be developed in the coming years to improve mobility at work and in the mobility generating centers in Barcelona.
