Barcelona y el modelo paradójico de segregación residencial
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Traditionally, in the field of urban studies, it has been understood that socioeconomic residential segregation is a phenomenon linked to social inequality. This is true. However, recent research has empirically demonstrated that this relationship is extremely complex. In other words, an increase in social inequality does not always translate into an increase in socioeconomic residential segregation in the short term, but rather situations can vary depending on each context. The metropolis of Barcelona is a paradigmatic case for understanding this complexity. The evolution of inequality and socioeconomic residential segregation in this city over the last few decades fits the paradoxical model of residential segregation. This theoretical model describes a process in which, faced with a progressive increase in social inequality, the level of socioeconomic residential segregation is reduced during an initial period and then increases later. The characteristics of the impact of the Great Recession and the development of gentrification processes, at first, together with the subsequent weak recovery of family economies and the dynamics of the real estate market in the recent post-crisis scenario, are the main factors that would explain this process in the Barcelona context.
ISSN 2174-6753
Read the article Barcelona y el modelo paradójico de segregación residencial
Porcel López, S. [Sergio]; Antón Alonso, F. [Fernando]. (2021). Barcelona y el modelo paradójico de segregación residencial. Encrucijadas, 21, . 2174-6753