La precarización creciente de las trayectorias laborales juveniles en la ciudad de Barcelona. Una análisis integrando las perspectivas de curso vital y generacional
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Papers: Revista de Sociologia
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- Fernando Antón Alonso (Institut Metròpoli)
- Sergio Porcel López (Institut Metròpoli)
- Irene Cruz Gómez (Institut Metròpoli)
[*] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Publication date:
This article analyzes the process of increasing precariousness in the working conditions of the young population. Using sequence analysis, longitudinal analyses of the labor trajectories of two population cohorts during their youth, the one that experienced the Great Recession of 2008 and the previous one, are carried out, based on the continuous sample of labor lives, combining the perspective of the life course and generational. The analyses focus on the residents of the city of Barcelona in 2016. The results show the greater job insecurity of the youngest cohort that has lived through the Great Recession. In addition, the women of the younger cohort face a double gap that makes them suffer greater job insecurity than their male peers and than the women of the generation that preceded them.
Antón Alonso, F. [Fernando]; Porcel López, S. [Sergio]; Cruz Gómez, I. [Irene]. (2023). La precarización creciente de las trayectorias laborales juveniles en la ciudad de Barcelona. Una análisis integrando las perspectivas de curso vital y generacional. Papers: Revista de Sociologia, 108(1), .