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Retos de la contratación pública local para garantizar la calidad y la innovación en los servicios de atención a las personas

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Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas



  • Marc Martí Costa (Institut Metròpoli)
  • Cecilia Conde López (Institut Metròpoli)

[*] Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.

Publication date:


Objectives: Compliance with regulations and ensuring service quality are the main concerns of municipal officials responsible for tendering services related to personal care. However, combining both criteria requires a significant effort in public innovation. This study aims to identify the challenges, both endogenous and exogenous, faced by municipal administrations in drafting tender documents. Methodology: Contracts for these services were analyzed, and interviews were conducted with the municipal teams responsible for procurement and management in seven municipalities in Catalonia (the provincial capitals and three of the most populous municipalities). Results: Both the contracting authorities and third-sector organizations agree on the importance of ensuring the quality of these services. However, the current regulatory framework does not allow non-profit entities to be prioritized (except in the case of reserved contracts), nor does it permit considering the geographic proximity of bidders, which limits the alignment of procurement processes with the needs of personal care services. Conclusions: It is suggested to explore other options for managing and contracting these services, both within and outside the public procurement framework


Read the article Retos de la contratación pública local para garantizar la calidad y la innovación en los servicios de atención a las personas

Martí Costa, M. [Marc]; Conde López, C. [Cecilia]. (2024). Retos de la contratación pública local para garantizar la calidad y la innovación en los servicios de atención a las personas. Gestión y Análisis de Políticas Públicas, 36, .https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.24965/gapp.11423